Baseline logo

Baseline gives you clear information about which web platform features work across browsers.

Name and logo usage guidelines

The Baseline name and logos (“Baseline Trademarks”) are trademarks owned by Google, but they have been licensed so they can be used by third parties to indicate which web platform features work well across all browsers.

You can use the Baseline name and logos in articles, presentations, sites, or anywhere that you’re talking about web platform features, to help developers understand browser support for those features.

These guidelines support the use of the Baseline initiative while making sure that the “Baseline” brand is protected as a meaningful source identifier in a way that’s consistent with trademark law.

Trademark Usage Guidelines

Baseline name

Baseline wordmark
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Baseline wordmark dark
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The Baseline name should be used when talking about Baseline as a concept.

Baseline widely available icon
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Baseline widely available icon dark
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Baseline widely available wordmark
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Baseline widely available wordmark dark
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The Baseline Widely Available logo should be used when talking about Baseline as a concept, or to indicate a specific web platform feature has the "baseline": "high" value in the web-features package data.

Baseline newly available icon
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Baseline newly available icon dark
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Baseline newly available wordmark
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Baseline newly available wordmark dark
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The Baseline Newly Available logo should only be used to indicate a indicate a specific web platform feature has the "baseline": "low" value in the web-features package data.

Baseline limited availablity icon
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Baseline limited availablity icon dark
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Baseline limited availablity wordmark
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Baseline limited availablity wordmark dark
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The Baseline Limited Availability logo should be used to indicate a web platform feature is not available in one or more of the core browsers or has the "baseline": false value in the web-features package data.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the logos licensed?

The logos have been released under the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 License. The Baseline name and logos are trademarks owned by Google. These trademark usage guidelines describe their appropriate uses.

Can I change the colors of the icons and logos?

No, the colors are part of the logo and indicate what level of Baseline support a feature has. As noted above, please do not modify, distort or alter the logos.

Can I put these icons and logos on stickers, t-shirts, or other things?

Yes, please, we encourage creative uses of the Baseline name and logos! Be creative, have fun, and show your support.

I have a licensing or trademark question. Who can I contact?

Please send questions or comments to