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Baseline gives you clear information about which web platform features work across browsers.


web-features is an effort to build a shared catalog of features of the web platform. By creating a common list of features and their definitions, web-features aims to improve understanding of what web developers get and want from the web. web-features does this by:

What is a feature?

Think of features as individual components of the web platform that web developers can use to achieve specific tasks.

As such, a feature has no specific size. A feature might cover a single CSS property, an entire JavaScript APIs with multiple interfaces, methods, and properties, or a combination of CSS properties, HTML elements, and JavaScript APIs. As long as a web developer would use the feature to achieve a specific goal, it's a feature.

For example, the fetch() API is a feature, the :has() CSS pseudo-class function too, and so is the Web Audio API.

How does web-features relate to Baseline?

The web-features project computes, reviews, and publishes Baseline statuses. Therefore, web-features is the source of truth for Baseline statuses.

Get involved

It’s a huge effort to describe the entire web platform in this way and will be an ongoing one given that new web platform features are released every month. Help out by contributing feature definitions. See the contributing information for more details.